What is the relationship between quartz sand and ore

Quartz in nature in the form of the rock, in which quartzite is a kind of clastic rocks, containing quartz content can reach more than ninety-five percent, and the production of quartz sand material is gathered all kinds of magmatic rocks, sedimentary rocks, the content of heavy minerals is less, we all know that at the time of an ore formation, there will be one or more associated ore, and the associated minerals are mainly quartz feldspar, mica and so on.

Quartzite producing quartz sand can be divided into two types. One is formed by deposition, while the other is formed by metamorphism. The boundary between clastic particles and cementites of sedimentary origin is not obvious.Gangue quartz is formed by hydrothermal action, its material is mostly quartz, dense block structure.

In order to understand the formation process of quartz sand ore, it is necessary to understand the two concepts of quartz sand and quartz stone.The former is a kind of quartz particles formed after the crushing of quartz stone, and the latter quartz stone is a kind of hard silicate mineral, this mineral is very wear-resistant, with stable chemical properties, people also known as silica.

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