Six special requirements for quartz sand for quartz plate

Quartz plate with quartz sand requirements are very strict, it must be pure white quartz sand and is acid washed, quartz sand on the surface can not have a little yellow skin, stone hardness is good, is the kind of white transparent quartz sand, so the quartz plate is suitable for their standard.

Quartz sand for quartz plate produced by quartz sand processing plant can meet the following requirements:

Quartz sand high silicon content;(2) quartz sand whiteness high;(3) quartz sand dry without impurities;(4) quartz sand has low iron content;(5) quartz sand particles round without edges;Good quartz sand ratio.

Characteristics of quartz sand products produced by quartz sand processing plant:

Quartz sand ore hole mining volcanic rock, the production process using dry production, the production of high purity transparent quartz sand, good transparency, high whiteness, uniform particles, no impurities, silicon content up to 99.93%, is the production of various quartz stone building decoration plate fine fine quartz sand products.

Quartz sand quartz powder number range produced by quartz sand processing plant:

The number of producing mesh is 4-6 mesh, 6-8 mesh, 8-16 mesh, 16-26 mesh, 26-40 mesh, 40-70 mesh, 70-140 mesh, 140-200 mesh and 325 mesh quartz powder quartz sand.

---- -- Weifang Guote Mining Equipment Co.,Ltd.

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