Daily maintenance method of vertical ring high gradient magnetic separator

The high-gradient magnetic separator adopts the working mode of rotating ring vertical rotation and recoil concentrate. It has the advantages of large enrichment ratio, strong adaptability to ore feeding degree, concentration fluctuation, reliable work, convenient operation and maintenance, etc. It plays an important role in the field of metal beneficiation. 

Below we will introduce the daily maintenance points of the high gradient magnetic separator.

Swivel spindle bearing: The main shaft of the high gradient magnetic separator is equipped with a waterproof card, the main function is to prevent the slurry and water from entering the bearing seat. Spindle rotation speed is very slow, bearing wear is minimal. Just add a cup of butter to each bearing housing for maintenance every month, and the bearings can run normally for many years without replacement.

Swivel drive gears: When the reducer is installed, the meshing clearance of the gears must be adjusted. Otherwise, the gears will not be oiled or there will be bite roots. Under normal circumstances, gear life can reach many years.

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