Definition of iron remover

Iron removal machine is the equipment to remove iron impurities or magnetic substances in raw materials, and the said iron removal (also known as magnetic first, namely magnetic field separation) is based on the magnetic difference of different components in the separated material, using different types of iron removal machine to separate different magnetic components in the material dressing method.The space around which the magnetic force of a magnet ACTS is called a magnetic field.The physical quantity indicating the strength of the magnetic field is called magnetic field intensity, which is usually denoted by the symbol H, and the unit is A/m.The magnetic difference of minerals is the basis of magnetic separation.The magnetism of minerals can be measured, and according to the strength of their magnetism, minerals can be divided into three categories: non-magnetic minerals, weak-magnetic minerals, and ferromagnetic minerals.In the magnetic field of iron removal machine, non-magnetic minerals are not subject to magnetic force or weak magnetic force;Weak magnetic minerals have less magnetic force.Ferromagnetic minerals are subject to the greatest magnetic force.

In the process of magnetic separation, ore particles are affected by a variety of forces, in addition to magnetic force, gravity, centrifugal force, force and friction force, etc..When the magnetic particles by the magnetic force is greater than the sum of the other forces, will be sucked out of the material flow or deviation, become magnetic products, the rest is non-magnetic products, to achieve the purpose of separation of different magnetic minerals, so iron removal machine is widely used in mining, mining is the most important magnetic separation equipment.


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